Fantastic Mr.Clooney

George Clooney has proved his foxiness in this world, but now he will have to prove it in the world of animation as he takes on the role of Mr. Fox. I cannot wait to see Fantastic Mr. Fox. The combination of Wes Anderson directing and George Clooney, Bill Muray, and Jason Schwatzman rounding out the cast, could possibly be magical.
For those of you who are not familiar with Wes Anderson, he is the brains behind the Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic . It is rare for Wes Anderson to tinker in the realm of children's stories, as most of his work is quite dark. The film is based on the story of Roald Dahl, more commonly known for his Book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Possibly the most exciting part of this new film is that it is a stop motion film. I am going out on a limb, and saying that I think this film with clean up at the Oscars in the animation department. The attention to detail in this film is exquisite. Every scene is packed with clever detail. In a world where hollywood pumps out straight to video, digitally animated films, I believe filmgoers are forgetting the roots of animation; giving life to something inanimate. As Josh Horowitz of MTV states, Fantastic Mr. Fox is "proof that Pixar doesn't have a monopoly on heartfelt and funny animation." I believe this film will rekindle an appreciation of animation as fine art.
Another delightful element of this movie is its soundtrack, which features two Beach Boys song and a Rolling Stones hit. The soundtrack is composed by Alexandre Desplat.
Can't wait for this film!!!!

This film received 100% on RT.

To view the trailer visit the site below:

What do you think?


Margaret said...

What do I think? I think it looks fantastic!

Nice blog, Jenny!

Sharelle said...

Yes Jenny - I love how it looks, and I love how it reads.

And I love the reference to George's "foxiness". ha.